
Patch Notes v.2.10.48

General Changes:
Following items are now sellable for 1g each to the npc:
- Mineral Piece, Gold Mixed Rock and Useless Crystal
- Dried Branch and Useless Lumber
- Leaky Boots and Young Fish
- Leaflet, Useless Weed and Rotten Potato

- increased rates of the rare items dropping in the new dungeons
- galaxy, lava dungeon, halloween mission, metro city, glastheim, etc. are now enterable with Lv. 100+

Bug Fixes:
- fixed stormwalk map crashes/laggs
- fixed beta station 3rd map death-bug (removed the monsters there)
- fixed party-search on all maps of the new expansion
- fixed a bug in the new questline (display error)

Skill Changes:
- Double Strike - increased dmg by x2 - added 2s cd
- Multi Shot - increased dmg by x1.5
- Sharpshooting - scales by atk speed - increased dmg by x2 - increased targets by 5 - added 2s cd - decreased to one projectile
- Wolf Rush - increased dmg by x1.5
- Blitz - increased dmg by x1.2

- Meteor Strike - scales by atk speed - increased to 25s cd

- Cross Cut - increased range
- Spin it Bear - increased range

Post Forum Create Date 15/11/22