
Patch Notes v.2.9.3

[General Changes]
- added lavalon tier 3 set as requirement to dexters tier 1 set

[Newbe Changes]
- added lv. 60 and lv. 90 gift box (contains red queen jewels and paris tier 1 cash set + weapon)
- added giftboxes to new created characters
- added 5 x 3x exp potions and 10 x jacky beans to new created characters

- added lv. 60 and lv. 90 gift box for 1 x gold coin to the vending machine so newbes who already have created an character can get them

- added tier 1-6 bloody of caelum jewels set

[Lavalon Shop Changes]
- added 800 x devil soul stone for 20 lava coins [Category: lavalon -> consumable]

- added enchanter changer (+20) for 10 lava coins [Category: lavalon -> consumable]

- added lavalon jewels set [tier 3] for 20 lava coins [Category: lavalon -> consumable]

- added lavalon's defender set [tier 1] for 50 lava coins [Category: lavalon -> consumable]

- added lavalon's fire/ice/nature/dark weapons for 20 lava coins [Category: lavalon -> consumable]

Post Forum Create Date 08/09/22