
Patch Notes v.2.11.50

[New Content (just tests, nothing official yet):]
- seperated debuffs for field and bossroom
- field debuff has -125 % dmg amp and -4000 % cdmg
- bossroom debuff has -175 % dmg amp and -5000 % cdmg

- removed second and last hero dmg/hp rings
- rebalanced all ring stats starting from dexter
- rebalanced all weapon stats starting from dexter

[Cherry Blossom:]
- boss now drops 3 x 100g pouch each round
- added exchange for 10 x 100g pouch -> 1 x 1000g pouch and 100 x 100g pouch -> 10 x 10000g pouch

- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 10 x soul flame, 10 x crimson soul, 10 x soulful ore or 10 x soul nucleus
- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 1 x mutisha's bloody battleplate, 1 x mutisha's bloody helmet or 1 x mutisha's bloody shoes
- added exchange for 1 x bloody arm -> 1 x cetirus mysterious gloves, 1 x cetirus mysterious pants or 1 x cetirus mysterious shoulders

- Gatling Rush - increased area by x2
- H.E Grenade - decreased back range (didn't work) - increased targets by x2
- Particle Canon - removed animation time
- Two Action Shot - increased damage by x2

Post Forum Create Date 20/04/23