
Patch Notes v.2.11.44

[Future Content:]
- began reworking windy content
- added first dungeon for intern testing purposes

- changed some texts

[General Changes:]
- added new exchange for skies stones and crystal residues (3 crystal residues => 1 skies stone or 1 skies stone => 1 crystal residue)

- decreased mats of tier 4 paris cash set in caelum from 20 to 15

[Skill Changes:]
- Spark Rock - increased damage - decreased cooldown
- Rain of Fire - increased damage
- Lightning Magnet - increased radius - decreased cooldown
- Lightning Storm - fixed amount of enemies
- Double Shot - added attack speed scalling (testing purpose)
- Diffusion Cannon - added attack speed scalling (testing purpose)
- Blessing - changed base attack/defense to amp

- added "Remove Attacking Speed" passive to third class skill tree to fix the problem with too much atk speed max level 5 => -200 % ATK Speed

Post Forum Create Date 11/04/23